If you are a Geopaparazzi user you might have dreamt many times of something that would allow to configure geopaparazzi for a particular survey with few clicks.
Well, you might remember that HydroloGIS participated to the MYGEOSS call for innovative apps by the European Commission and was one of the winning teams.
The result of all this is the app
Geoss2Go and in this post I will explain you what it is capable of. Fasten your seat belts.
Geoss2Go can be simply installed
from google play.
If one doesn't have access to google play, an APK binary ready for installation can be downloaded from
the github releases page.
Create a new profile
Once launched, Geoss2Go will present the following view:
To create a new profile we can simply push the red button on the upper right part of the view.
Once pushed, the main profile info dialog will pop-up. There the user can insert a profile name and some description about the profile:
Once ok is pushed, the empty profile is created:
The profile's cardview gives information about its content, listing the number of basemaps, spatialite databases and forms.
Delete a Profile
Through the trashcan option it is possible to delete any loaded profile.
The user will be prompted to make sure profiles are not removed out of error:
Styling the Profile
Geoss2Go allows for a very simple styling. It is possible to apply a color to the profile cardview, in order to have a better visual feedback (colors are often useful to define categories).
Also the color plays and important role during the interaction with geopaparazzi.
By selecting the color palette button, the color selection dialog will pop-up:
Once pushed the ok button, the profile cardview will appear colored:
Adding data to the profile
To add data to a profile, the user needs to push the settings icon (the upper right icon of the cardview).
The view the opens is divided in different tabs, namely:
Let's have a look at each of these.
Profile info
In this tab the main information about the profile are visualized:
- name
- description
- creation date
Name and description can also be modified from this view, while the creation date is readonly.
From this tab it is also possible to activate the profile through the switch at the bottom of the view.
Since only one profile can be active at a time, the activation of a profile automatically disables the previous active profile, if there had been one.
Once a profile is active, in the main view it is marked with two red lines in the top and bottom part:
Basemaps tab gives the possibility to add raster background maps to the configuration. Currently supported extensions are:
- map: mapsforge maps
- mbtiles
- sqlite: sqlite databases containing rasterlite2 data
- mapurl: mapurl files that can contain configurations for local or online service (tms or wms)
Through the plus button on the top right part of the view it is possible to browse the device's filesystem and select the resources to add.
It is possible to import mapurl definitions directly from WMS GetCapabilities url.
To do so:
- first copy the WMS url to the device clipboard
- push the ADD WMS button on the right side of the action
- a dialog will open. Paste the url into the text field
- push the refresh button at the left of the text field to retrieve the available layers
- select the desired layer and push ok. The mapurl file will be created and added directly to the list of basemaps
For the above example the
WMS of the Province of Bolzano has been used as example.
Spatialite Databases
Spatialite Databases tab gives the possibility to add vector databases to the configuration.
The database has to be a valid spatialite database with the extension sqlite.
Through the plus button on the top right part of the view it is possible to browse the device's filesystem and select the resources to add.
The forms tab gives the possibility to add a json file of forms definitions to use in the profile.
Once the file is added (through the upper right plus button), basic information and the names of the forms contained in the file are shown:
It is also possible to bind a profile to a single project database. This happens only in the case in which the user selects a geopaparazzi database in this tab. In that case, as we will see later, from within geopaparazzi it will no longer be possible to open an existing project or create a new one.
Import and Export profiles
It is possible to import and export profile definitions. In the main view from the context menu in the actionbar, the two entries related to import and export have to be used.
When pushing the
Export Profiles menu entry, the profiles definitions are exported into a fixed file in the path:
When pushing the
Import Profiles menu entry, the profiles definitions are imported from the fixed file in the path:
The imported profiles are added to the profiles already present in the app.
In order to support sharing of data and profile configurations, the path of the data contained in the imported files are adapted to the sdcard path of the current device. This way relative paths in the sdcard are maintained and datasets can be loaded.
We will see this in the demo set showcase. In that case you download and import data that someone else prepared, but they will work in your device, even if the paths of the data refer to a different sdcard path.
Try it out with a demo project
To give you a better understanding about the possibilities of geoss2go, we prepared a demo profiles set for you.
Before starting with this make sure you have both
geopaparazzi and
To go on it is mandatory that you run each app at least once.
Then download the
profiles_config.json file and save it inside the folder:
Download the
demo dataset zip and extract it on your device's sdcard.
Once these steps were completed, inside the sdcard you should find, beyond others, the following structure:
|-- geoss2go
| `-- profiles_config.json
|-- geoss2go_demo
| |-- vienna
| `-- bolzano
If the above structure has been successfully created on your device, you are ready to import the demo profiles configuration.
Launch geoss2go and from the main view context menu select the
Import Profiles entry.
Once run, the demo projects should have been instantly added to your main view:
Demo Bolzano
Let's have a look at the
demo bolzano profile. It is actived already.
In the basemaps tab we find several layers coming from online mapping services:
In the spatialite databases tab one database is present:
The profile has also been personalized with a specific set of forms for the survey:
From the info available we know that there will be 3 different forms available in this profile:
- Generalita' evento
- Scheda danni
- Colata detritica
No project file has been defined in the
PROJECT tab, which means that with this profile, we can use any project we want and also create new projects.
Demo Bolzano in Geopaparazzi
So what happens once we launch geopaparazzi? Well, apparently nothing:
But the devil is in the details and as we recall, the profile defined 3 things:
- basemaps
- spatialite database
- forms
So let's have a look at the available tile sources. They are available through the first icon in the actionbar:
As one can see in the image below, the only available data sources are the ones defined in the profile.
Usually Geopaparazzi has an
add datasource button in this view. But when a profile is active, only those datasets can be used. No other dataset can be added or removed.
Well, once I select for example the source
OI.ORTHOIMAGECOVERAGE.2011 and go to the mapview, I will be presented with the following nice map:
In background the aerial imagery is visible, which was expected. But what are those overlays?
Obviously the spatialite database! To have a look at it, we can access the context menu button and then select
Spatialite data list from the menu.
Again we will be presented with a blue view, where the blue reminds the user about the fact that a certain profile is being applied.
The spatialite view shows one database with 4 tables, which are the ones visible in the map.
As for the basemaps, also here it is not possible to add or remove tables and databases.
Last but not least, also the forms have been personalized by the active profile.
If we try to add a new form based note from the mapview using the add note button:
The add note view will also appear personalized with blue background. And the available froms will be the ones defined in the profile:
If we open a form, the usual form layout will be presented:
Demo Vienna
Let's have a look at the demo of Vienna dataset. To do so you need to open geoss2go again and activate the right profile.
By now you should be able to do that and the result should look like:
Have a look at what is inside this profile. You might note, beyond other things that
no form has been defined, but a
project has been added.
Let's have a look what that means inside Geopaparazzi.
Demo Vienna in Geopaparazzi
Since the demo vienna profile had defined a fix project, Geopaparazzi needs to tell that the user once it opens. It does so by placing in background the color of the profile:
Exactly the same as for the Bolzano demo, the basemaps view only presents the sources defined in the profile:
And if we select the ortophoto, we will see the following in the map view:
Again, as for the Bolzano demo, a whole pile of vectorlayers are available from the profile definition. Since the Vienna demo has been though of as a sightseeing profile, data as museums, bikeways, campings and even the famous Xmas markets are available.
Geoss2Go can be an extremely powerful tool for professionals to
better organize their work. But it can also be used to plan vacations (I do it), to keep data organized in categories, by nation, by project, by whatever necessary.
Together with Geopaparazzi it gives the possibility to
standardize the layout of surveys for teams in a simple and effective way.
Installing datasets and survey forms has never been that simple (remember the demo profiles import?).
We hope you will enjoy this app as much as we are already...