Tuesday, August 24, 2021

SMASH 1.7.0 is out!

We just released version 1.7.0 of SMASH to the stores. This was initially thought as a bugfix release but then we got caught up in the vortex of some advanced users and their well formulated comments, feature requests and bugfix ideas. This lead to a set of new features:

Form enhancements:

Probably the most important feature. Forms can now be used also for postgis and geopackage data sources. Until now it was possible only for project notes. 

Autocomplete combos for very long lists of choices:


Sketches are back (well, for those that came from geopaparazzi):


String combos in forms can now be encoded. This means that each item of a combo can have a label and a value. That is another nice feature brought in by the Georepublic people.


Export project images to folder

Another feature asked by geopaparazzi lovers. And here it is:


Contour lines

Mapsforge (or better andromap) maps can now be displayed with contour lines. 

Other fixes and little enhancements:

  • it is now possible to add points by GPS and map center when editing geopackage/postgis layers
  • geopackage layer selection has been improved
  • zoom-in when notes are very near has been enhanced
  • when selecting multiple notes, previous popups are properly disposed
  • tile based layer images now properly update when switching layers
  • camera setting, speak resolution) are properly applied
  • form notes now always show the label. They didn't when exporting to gpx/kml and in  the notes list
  • log merging now uses the right master log (the first)

This version is aligned with version 3.2 of the Geopaparazzi Survey Server.
