Sunday, January 31, 2010

new console language extentions arriving

Not much to say...

# MAPSET= mapsetpath

// print out all available commands and variables

// access the current processing region attributes
echo NORTH
echo SOUTH
echo EAST
echo WEST
echo WERES
echo NSRES
echo ROWS
echo COLS

// or the region itself

// get the coordinate at a given row and col
def coordinate = coordinateFromRowCol(10, 15);
echo coordinate;

// get the nearest row and col to a given coordinate
def rowCol = rowColFromCoordinate(688605.0, 5108595.0);
echo rowCol;

* reading and writing GRASS maps
def grassMapName = "bacino_brenta_pit";

// get the full path of the map
def fullPath = fullMapPath (grassMapName);
echo fullPath;

// read the map
double[][] map = grassMapToMatrix (grassMapName);
// and print the output to console
printMap map

// get the average value
def avg = grassMapMax(grassMapName);
echo avg
// the same can be done for grassMapMin ,grassMapAvg, grassMapModa

// get the value of a grass raster map at a given coordinate
def value = valueOfGrassMapInCoordinate(grassMapName, 688605.0, 5108595.0);
echo value;

// write the matrix read before to a map named aaa
def grassMapToWrite = "aaa";
matrixToGrassMap (grassMapToWrite, map, -9999.0);

// delete the map from disk
deleteGrassMap grassMapToWrite;

// load a map to be viewed
loadGrassMap grassMapName;

* working with vector layers and shapefiles
// get the list of features from a layer
// that is loaded in the current active map
def features = getFeaturesFromLayer("countries");
features.each{ feature ->
// some features can be accessed directly on the feature,
// like area, length or the coordinates of the geometry
// as well as the centroid and the geometry itself
echo feature.area;
echo feature.length;
echo feature.coordinates[0];
echo feature.centroid;
echo feature.getAttribute("FIPS_CNTRY");

// the same can be done from a shapefile
def features = getFeaturesFromShapefile("D:\\data\\wb\\countries.shp");
features.each{ feature ->
echo feature.area;
echo feature.length;
echo feature.coordinates[0];
echo feature.centroid;
echo feature.getAttribute("FIPS_CNTRY");

// cql filters can be used from layers
def features = getFilteredFeaturesFromLayer("countries",
"INTERSECTS(the_geom, LINESTRING (11 41, 18 41))");
features.each{ feature ->
echo feature.area;
echo feature.length;
echo feature.coordinates[0];
echo feature.centroid;
echo feature.getAttribute("FIPS_CNTRY");

// or again from shapefiles
def features = getFilteredFeaturesFromShapefile("D:\\dat\\wb\\countries.shp",
"LONG_NAME == 'Russia'");
features.each{ feature ->
echo feature.area;
echo feature.length;
echo feature.coordinates[0];
echo feature.centroid;
echo feature.getAttribute("FIPS_CNTRY");

// statistics can be calculated on fields of the features
// average of the field SQKM
def avg = featuresLayerAvg("countries", "SQKM");
echo avg;
avg = shapefileAvg("D:\\data\\wb\\countries.shp", "SQKM");
echo avg;

// min of the field SQKM
def min = featuresLayerMin("countries", "SQKM");
echo min;
min = shapefileMin("D:\\data\\wb\\countries.shp", "SQKM");
echo min;

// max of the field SQKM
def max = featuresLayerMax("countries", "SQKM");
echo max;
max = shapefileMax("D:\\data\\wb\\countries.shp", "SQKM");
echo max;

// moda of the field SQKM
def moda = shapefileModa("D:\\data\\wb\\countries.shp", "SQKM");
echo moda;
moda = featuresLayerModa("countries", "SQKM");
echo moda;

* DATABASE COMMANDS (assuming table has two fields: id, name)
// define the database connection
# REMOTEDBURL = postgresql:

// the table name
def table = 'schema.tablename';

// get the dataset and browse over it
def ds = dataset( table );
// "name" is a db table field name and can be
// used as variable to access the needed value
echo + " " +;

// another way is to use select statements
def rows = select ("* from " + table);
rows.each{ row ->
echo + " " +

// which can contain also the where clause
def rows1 = select ("* from " + table + " where name = 'coudiness'");
rows1.each{ row ->
echo + " " +;

// for counting rows there is
def num = count(table);
echo num;
// on which the where clause also works
def num1 = count( table + " where name = 'coudiness'");
echo num1;

// for eveything else the database instance can be accessed
// and any query can be executed
DB.eachRow("select * from " + table){
echo + " " +;

* data import and export
// import an esri ascii grid to grass raster map
importEsriAscii("C:\\TMP\\brenta2.asc", "testascii");

// import a tiff to grass raster map
importTiff("C:\\TMP\\brenta2.tif", "testtiff");

// import grass raster map to an esri ascii grid
exportEsriAscii("bacino_brenta_pit", "C:\\TMP\\brenta2");

// import grass raster map to a tiff
exportTiff("bacino_brenta_pit", "C:\\TMP\\brenta2");

* the mapcalculator
mapcalc {
result "mapcalctest"
function """
if ("bacino_brenta_pit" > 1200,
"bacino_brenta_pit" / 2.0)

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