Sunday, April 20, 2008

Back from EGU, history repeats, the new bel paese

Back from EGU, back from Vienna... Berlusconi is back... but we knew it all before, as stated already back in the 1995 in the The Globalization Trap: The 20-80 Society, by H.P. Martin and H. Schuhmann:

The pragmatists in the Fairmont Hotel reduce the future to a pair of numbers and a term: "20 to 80" and "tittytainment".

20 percent of the working age population will be enough in the coming century to keep the world economy going. "More workers will not be needed", said magnate Washington SyCip. A fifth of all jobseekers will be enough to produce all the goods and perform all the top-flight services that the world society can afford. This 20 percent will actively participate in living, earning and consuming. One or two percent may be added, the discussants admit, perhaps wealthy heirs.

What about the others? Will 80 percent of those willing to work be without a job? "Certainly", says the US author Jeremy Rifkin, author of the book "The End of Work". "80 percent will have enormous problems." Sun manager Gage puts some more coal on the fire and appeals to his boss Scott McNealy: The question in the future will be "to have lunch or be lunch", to eat or be devoured.

The term "tittytainment" makes the rounds. This term was coined by the old war-horse Zbigniew Brzezinski. The native Pole, National Security advisor of US president Jimmy Carter, has been occupied with geo-strategic questions. "Tittytainment", Brzezinski explains, is a combination of "entertainment" and "tits", the American slang for bosoms. Brzezinski thinks more of the milk streaming from the breast of a nursing mother than of sex. The frustrated population of the world could be kept happy with as mixture of numbing entertainment and adequate food.

- excerpt from a translation found here

For the following, strictly Italy-related, I could not find a proper translation:

Persino nel bel paese, dove la fantasia latina sembra riuscire ad escogitare sempre nuove vie per evitare un tacollo che appare non di rado imminente, e' arrivata l'onda xenofoba e insieme ad essa si diffondono, nelle province settentrionali, l'ira contro il governo centrale, nonche' la voglia di staccarsi dal meridione che "mangia pane a tradimento". Agli occhi dei nordisti di Bossi il sud, la "Terronia", si presenta come una sorta di appendice settentrionale dell'Africa e fa parte del terzo e quarto mondo, mentre la loro "Padania" sarebbe efficiente, produttiva, moderna, onesta. Dove l'economia non funziona, gli Italiani sono invitati ad affidare il loro futuro a ogni sorta di "gratta e vinci", sfornati di continuo dal governo italiano (anche quello democratico dell'Ulivo) per dare un qualche scopo alla vita di milioni di persone. Per il resto l'Italia bada a realizzare il suo tittytainment, i suoi "panem et circenses". Basti pensare alla tv di Berlusconi (e non solo), alle canzonette nazionalpopolari di Sanremo, alle imprese di Tomba e alla nazionale di calcio.

In Italia a Silvio Berlusconi e' riuscito persino un colpo che in qualsiasi altro paese sarebbe ancor oggi inimmaginabile. Dalle sue tv tutto spot e consumismo e dalle sue squadre sportive con il Milan in testa - vero oppio del popolo italiano - e' riuscito a portare i sogni dalle sue televisioni sin dentro i palazzi del potere politico, arrivare a fondare un partito e a farsi eleggere presidente del consiglio dei ministri.

So were the hell did we learn from our history?!?

And you, are you 20 or 80? And more over, what will your kids get? And their kids? Ah, right, you do not care...

1 comment:

silli said...

20% of the people of the world working... that has not sense in a democratic and developed world. Thanks Moovida for the post...
I will add a news of today... if the umans will die away the earth will repair our damages in 40-50 years... Not so much for now!!! Maybe it is not to late to repair our damages using in a proper way energy, water and all the sources the earth makes us available.
Today it is the earth day...
