Friday, March 18, 2022

SMASH 1.7.3 is out

We just released SMASH 1.7.3 to the stores.

New features:

Enhanced editing workflow

Editing was a bit messy with the fact that upon new geometry creating a complete geometry was placed in the selected point. This has now been made properly. First touch point, second line, third polygon. Also, now a simple tap adds a geometry, a long tap puts in edit mode.

Area and perimeter

The attribute table now always also shows at the bottom the area (polygons) and length (polygon perimeter and lines length).


New language updates have been added for: Italian, French, Japanese, Norwegian, Russian

To help out with translations please head over here:


The survey server

This version of SMASH is aligned with the version 3.5 of the survey server. 

Other stuff

  • single tap now centers on map position
  • images of forms now have their own position, not the note's 
  • fix for empty exported image folder
  • fix for misbehaving measure tool
  • fix for geopackage export (was connecting logs)

Need an apk because you do not use the store?

You can download it here:

As a reminder, the user manual is here:


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